After "The Final Pickup", we had a lovely meal of Happy Meals for the kids who eat real food, and a chicken sammich washed down with about 2 quarts of sweet, sweet Diet Coke for me. That celebratory feast finished, we went to the park for a few hours.

Bunny and all her classmates were given a parting gift of bubbles as they left the room. Thank goodness I loves me some bubbles, too, and had 2 bottles in the car, so there was parity.

Carter's bubble blowing skills are still nil. Gets soapy lips and little else. :)

So he happily played in the shower of bubbles Bunny made. As did quite a few other children. People like bubbles. Bubbles make everyone happy, pretty much. You show me a person who hates bubbles, I'll show you a grump. Or maybe someone who had a bubble pop in their eye as a baby. I dunno...

Then the kids put on their swim stuff and played in the sand and water for a good long while.
Me? I sat in the shade, thanks. Cole?

He did this.
Then some of this.

And this. You get the gist. He scooted around on his back a lot, and looked at the leaves against the sky.
After about 3 hrs we went home and now we're in the home stretch until bed time. I'm hoping they all sleep in tomorrow. That would be AWESOME.
I remember when you'd pick me up from school and I knew you were there because bubbles would fly around outside. Yep, that's my sister!
No better way to pass time, I say. ;)
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