
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Aaaand we’re walking, and we’re walking….

Walk-A-Thon is our elementary school’s primary fundraiser of the year, and this year’s was the best out of the four our family has participated in by far.

The weather was perfect.  Last year the little walkers trudged in 100+ degree heat.  I am sure there had to be an impact on total dollars raised because of lower miles walked.  These are 5-11 year olds, not Kenyan marathoners.  :)

Yesterday it was sunny with some clouds, in the upper 70s, with a bit of a cool breeze.  Much better for walkers, volunteers, and onlookers.  Phew.

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No walkathon would be complete without face painting…

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…and crazy hair.

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Made-up and coiffed, it was time for some serious walking.  Bunny’s goal was 10 miles in 5 hours.  We talked about pace and decided she’d get 5 miles under her belt before resting for lunch.

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I have to pause a moment and comment on the wonderful tee shirts this year.  A classmate’s mom who’s also a graphic designer created these beauties.  After years of white and heather gray shirts deemed acceptable only for pajama tops and wearing on the beach, it was so nice to see so much color—and I know Bunny will wear this one much more often.

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Carter had an awesome all-day—and I mean ALL day, 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.—playdate with his buddy Zach, so Cole was not in his usual comfort zone yesterday.  Coupled with all the activity every-everywhere, he mostly wanted to hang out under the umbrella and goof off.  He also took a righteous nap splayed out on the blanket, bringing much amusement to passers by.

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In the beginning hours Bunny walked with friends.

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As she began to tire out, it was time to call in support.  We took turns walking with her, and sometimes Paul carried her on his back for a lap to let her rest.  Finally, with 15 minutes left before time to tally up and check out, Bunny had met her goal!

I want to go for eleven miles.

Bunny was limping.  Paul was tired from carrying 60 pounds on his back for a couple of miles total as well as accompanying her for much of the afternoon.

I decided I was the reserve support system.  Honestly, I was not sure we’d make it, since I can’t carry her much further than from the living room to her bed.  However, Bunny pulled an extra mile out of pure determination and she did it.  She knew an extra mile would be extra money for the school, as some of her pledges were per mile.

I think only pride made her not beg to be pushed in Cole’s stroller back to the car.  :)  This year she chose the neighborhood pizza place as her celebratory dinner venue.  She and her brothers ate a whole large cheese pizza between only them, and she also mooched off my salad bar plate—the girl loves baby corn, olives, and whatever that weird fluffy red jello stuff is.

Today she’s looking like she’d like to sit on the sofa and veg out… and given a storm system is moving in for possibly our first real rain of the year, it looks like she may get her wish.  Another wish she got: Nutella-chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.  I think she earned that treat.  :)

1 comment:

Suzanne Sergis @ said...

WOO HOO, WAY TO GO BUNNY! That was awesome.

And great job Mom & Dad too; along with her other cheering section folks. :-)


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