There is a lot I’ll miss about summer as we grasp at its final bits. For now, I’m thinking I’ll miss coming in to find this.
Cole often decides he wants to go back inside while we’re in the pool in the first afternoon swim, often because it’s nearing his quiet time, but also sometimes because he wants to play, or because he would like a snack… having a decently well childproofed house means I can let him do that and stay out at the one place I always supervise the kids—poolside. It also means King Cole has a bit of freedom. Generally he stays in his bathing suit, but sometimes…
It always makes me laugh to walk in and see him au naturel eating at the counter, white butt and all.
You need to photoshop that picture and write the words "END of Summer" and an arrow to Cole's butt..
Ha! Good one. :)
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