
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Homecoming Surprise

When Bunny was in preschool, because she wanted it, I painted her wall something not far from Pepto Bismol pink.  I knew it was not a color she’d always love, but she loved it “so hard” at that point in her life there was really no other option that made sense.  Why insist on a color she doesn’t want to be practicalYawn.  Practicality is overrated when it comes to some things, and many of those things involve little girls, I have learned.

And so, one day when Carter was a few weeks old, and I was able to bend and stretch, and not randomly bump things with my belly, I painted her wall.  During a day’s worth of naps I worked whenever I could, and the pink was almost as bold as Bunny.  She loved it.

Time moved on, and Bunny outgrew PINK.  Her Barbies are nearly a thing of the past: she has saved only a couple of special ones, preferring to play with Kit, her American Girl doll, or her Breyer horses.  For over a year, her favorite color has been aqua.  I need a new color, Mama.  I hate this pink!  This became her frequent plea.

Last spring I was at the hardware store and just happened to glance at a rack of mistake paints out by the front door and saw just the color, sitting there.  A pint—enough to do that one accent wall—for $3 or so.  Without hesitation I added that to the basket.

For months I hoped free time to paint would materialize.  Of course it didn’t, because that’s just life with 3 kids!  The pink endured.

This week Bunny is at girl scout camp (horses!) and I decided all of a sudden this morning it was time to make that little can of paint stop mocking me every time I needed something from the garage shelf where touch up paint, etc lives.  Both boys were home, but hey, that is one kid less than normal, and every parent of more than one knows how easy just one less than what you currently have feels and only 1 child feels like a vacation.  (Oh, perspective!)

So, over the morning pink became blue.


This became that.


And it was good.

I hope my little equestrian is happy upon her return in a couple of days!


Heidi-Marie said...

that looks an awful lot like the color Lily has asked me to paint her room! I, too, have a can (glidden gLb20~ tropical lagoon!) sitting here waiting for a time when I can put it to use!

Very cute room. Im sure she will adore it!

Elle said...

I love it! I guess I must be a kid at heart because we just painted our master bath the same color. Either that, or she and I are kindred spirits. :)


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