
Sunday, September 14, 2014


This summer flew by so quickly, I can hardly believe it. It seemed like a lot of the time we had to hide indoors to avoid the vampire mosquitoes in this area, which was a bummer. But, we fit in a trip to the beach a couple of weekends ago.

We’re still figuring out which beaches our family enjoys the most, so this time we went up closer to Shell Island.

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Cole loved playing in the roughest part of the surf for hours on end. Paul and Bunny are out right at the break, but Cole preferred to stay where the clock-cleaning was full force. He said he was “King of the Sea.” The water was a really nice temperature so I played a lot and didn’t take very many photos. However, here are some I enjoyed.

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Carter is still the boy who wanted to fly on the swings.

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This pretty much sums up vacation naptime to me. I caught the stinker in bed eating his snack, but didn’t say a thing. I mean, why not slip into some crisp white sheets against your fresh sunburn, pop on some SpongeBob and munch on a hot dog?

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