
Monday, November 15, 2010

Menu Monday ~ Nov. 15

Last week my eldest had a 4-day weekend, Veteran’s Day being a school holiday and Friday being a teacher workday… what a coincidink the two were next to each other when the other 3 days of the week were modified short days for parent teacher conferences!  ;)  This week we have 3 modified days, too, then next week is a whopping 2 day week… November and December are SUCH weird months!

Anyway, what with schedules practically nonexistent, and a cold insinuating itself in my head and throat, I am pretty happy to be able to shove off real (aka not just picking up milk to tide us over) grocery shopping for a day or three because I have 2-3 nights of meat needing to find its life purpose ASAP.  Yay!

The great thing about a good meal plan is this: you can always shift around meals if you plan well.  Obviously I plan any fresh seafood to be cooked within a day or two of shopping… ditto for any super-perishable fruits or veggies.  Without anything lurking to make me feel angry at myself when I have to pitch it out, I get a lot of wiggle room for those evenings when I realize I really need to use up a leftover—a meal makeover, as it were… I like to incorporate a leftover meat into a new dish so we don’t die of boredom and depression eating “leftovers”—I can do that and not totally muck up my genius system.  (She said ironically…)

So anyway, wiggle room is good.  Some people put a ‘use it up’ night into their plan every week.  Whichever works, is the way to do it, I figure.  Better is better: all the time I say or think this.  Progress is better than perfectionism: I tell myself that, too.  If I’m trying, then I have to cut myself slack sometimes.  :)

With all that said (phew!) here is my plan, Stan.

MondaySausage, Potato and Cabbage Stew
Tuesday:  Pork Chops, salad, fresh baked bread (making with Bunny)
Wednesday: “My” Chicken Enchiladas, homemade refried black beans, spanish rice
Thursday: Pioneer Woman Meatloaf, mashed cauliflower, braised collard greens (don’t judge—it’s awesome)
Friday: salmon, sides TBA when I know what the veggies are in the share this week
Saturday: Cube Steaks with Rich Onion Gravy, creamed spinach, roast acorn squash
Sunday:  Lentil Soup, chicken salad “salad”


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