
Thursday, July 18, 2013


Carter completed Little Lifeguards two days ago. He was very unenthusiastic about it going in, and it was a keen love of Star Wars Legos and the promise that he’d earn the Rancor Monster set as a reward given he completed without complaining or trying to miss days. The boy loves Legos, but I was happy to see he really enjoyed himself, too.







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I’m so happy to see him have progressed from being intimidated by the waves to running right out with confidence. Granted, a deal is a deal, and I did say I expected no complaints, but Carter outperformed my wildest hopes. Sure, he had a couple of days when he was tired after 3 hours of rigorous conditioning and activity (and one where sand got in his pudding), but he mostly had a big smile on his face, and he usually tried to win. I think the kid enjoys competing and the feeling of some success after bringing home a ribbon, which is placed so its the first thing he sees when he wakes. I am very gratified that he’s has this opportunity, and so proud of my Little Guard.

For a little information about the Little and Junior Lifeguard programs we’ve spent 5 seasons over 6 years supporting, please read HERE.

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