For the past two weekends, I made two new recipes from The Pioneer Woman Cooks. I’m attempting to cook every one of her recipes (in the book, not her site!) by the end of the summer, and am not sure if I’ll make it, having extended my deadline once already. Doing my best, though! :D
Edna Mae’s Sour Cream Pancakes are awesome. The batter comes together really easily, and they’re the most tender pancakes I’ve ever made, despite some over eager stirring by a certain over eager child I know. Super fast, super easy. I’ll definitely add them to my list of special weekend breakfasts.
Huevos Hyacinth is a dish I’ve read about a few times, and basically is lining a ramekin with ham and some other fixings, cracking an egg over it and broiling a couple of minutes until soft cooked. I really want to like it, since I like soft boiled eggs, and I love all the ingredients, but for some reason they seemed too runny to me. I might give it a go once more, with the dishes one notch lower under the broiler to try to achieve that elusive perfect degree of cooked v. runny. I like runny yolks, but not uncooked egg whites. It is an awfully pretty meal, I will say that!
Both these recipes are in the book only, so I’m sorry, but I can’t share a link to photos and a recipe… bummer!
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