
Monday, January 21, 2008

Day off? P'shaw!

I remember loving 3-day weekends. It used to be *SO* awesome that MLK Day was neatly just a couple of weeks after New Years, then a month later is Pres Day--just what you need to break up the winter doldrums! Take a coupl eof days off for Good Friday or something, and you have a nicely broken up winter with extra free time to enjoy.

Now it's just a weekend that is ONE DAY TOO LONG. Someday, in a couple of years, we'll go on minivacations, or make good use of the extra day, but this year it's not so much fun. Probably because it's rainy, Cole is cluster feeding with ravenous gusto, and Carter is very TWO. Bunny got out of the house, which I'm sure has immensely improved the prospects of a decent evening, and Nancy dropped off a meal that is cooking in the oven, so my tired butt has less to do than normal to get dinner on the table. So, much thanks to both Heidi, for braving Chuck E. Cheese with an extra child on a rainy holiday Monday (apparently it was a CIRCUS), and Nancy for feeding us. Oh! And she sent a very cute little jacket for Cole to grow into--with Tigger on it!

So, for today, for this year, 3 day weekends are not the bestest thing ever. But soon Paul will be out of the shower he's taking after he did his workout, and he'll be gifted with a fussy 12 day old infant, I will finish assembling dinner, get the kids to eat it (or not, since Carter probably will refuse the stuffed pasta), douse them with water (or put them in the tub), and get them to bed... then open a bottle of wine, methinks. One glass would be heaven right about now.

Then tomorrow is just a normal weekday--much easier than a 'day off' in reality. ;)

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