
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When it rains, it gushes (onto the floor).

Ran a bajillion errands today, varying from returning some camping gear to friends, to the post office (always fun with two cranky, tired kids in tow, as I did that one near the end of 4 hrs out), to exchanging some sunglasses DH didn't notice were scratched when he bought them, to picking up our co-op veggies, to buying 4 gallons of milk (we drink a lot of milk), and the list went on...

All was fine, we were back home and I was finally going to be able to rest, as DH was home and said he'd put C on his back in the Ergo. But while I was getting the last of the stuff from the co-op on the counter, Carter climbed up somehow and pulled a gallon of milk onto the floor. And wouldn't you know it, the circular indentation the container had on each side *popped* on both sides. Instant gallon of milk gushed out, mostly onto the kitchen floor, but a goos quart or so flowed onto the carpet before I could do anything.

Yay! About 6 bath towels and 30 mins with the steam cleaner later, and I'm now sitting to finally veg out.

Oh, and wouldn't it figure I'd already mopped the kitchen floor this morning because Carter helped his sister by taking her juice glass to the kitchen and throwing it over the gate so it shattered?? I guess the silver lining is that I'd vacuumed that place on the carpet where the milk poured, so it was ready to be steam cleaned.

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