
Friday, October 06, 2006

Duuuh, Mama!

Driving is such fodder for the best bon mots from Chatty Cathy. The other day, we were nearly home from whatever boring errand and Bunny kept asking me if I remembered some mundane moment that was obviously more interesting to her than me. I kept saying that I did not remember it, that I forget way more than I remember these days and that's how it is when you're a grown up. You can't keep all that junk in your head. Well, Bunny says to me, "Mama, I keep all my rememberies in my head! You should do that."


Yesterday, when we were driving home from picking up our CSA veggies:
Bunny: Can I take a cat to college?
Me: Usually they don't like you to have pets in dorms. Dorms are the big houses that kids live in in college.
Bunny: Oh, I am not going to live at college.
Me: So you just want to take him to class?
Bunny: Yes! Can I?
Me: Well, I think he'd get awful grades. And how would he use a pencil? It might be too hard for a cat to go to college.
Bunny has melted into peals of laughter at this point...

Then there was last night, while we were watching Survivor, and yes, Bunny watches, it, too:
Bunny: Mama, if I ever go on Survivor, will you pack me some snacks?
Me: Yes, that's a very good idea.
Bunny: If I had snacks, I am sure I'd win. Because no one remembers food.
Me: Yes, they do seem to have a hard time finding food.
Bunny: Oh! And some lasagne. No one could beat me if my belly was full of lasagne.

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