Plans are in the works for Tatooine scenes on beach days.
Sunday, February 09, 2014
Sunday, February 02, 2014
Carter really made good use of our modest snowfall last week, and made sure to go out at least a couple of times everyday. I was at work most of the days, but stayed home with the kids Thursday. Later in the afternoon Paul was able to play with Carter in that rough way that moms usually just don’t do.
Saturday, February 01, 2014
The kids had nearly all of last week off due to a winter storm—it really is true that winter weather stops some places completely. Cole has a headcold bothering him and sapping his energy, so he only played a bit. Bunny is entering her “bedroom cocoon” years, so she really wasn’t into playing outside with her doofy family (I like to do an impression of Pearl, Mr. Krabs’ daughter on Spongebob for Paul: “Daddy, you’re EMbarrasing me!”). Carter, however, was ALL ABOUT THE SNOW.